Team Jaguar!
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Hello, This is Team Jaguar. You know you want to be a member

Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Ben and Jerry's annual FREE CONE DAY!!!

I know we were all quite disappointed last year when the one Columbus location in the Arena district didn't participate. But, they are this year, plus there's now a location on Lane ave.

"FREE CONE DAY!!!Come join us at our new colorful store which has been carefully constructed in the Ben & Jerry's fashion. Fun, Fun, Fun!!April 19th is free cone day which means just that, all cones are free all day to everyone that can come to our store. Pack up your car, bring your family and friends, and join us. Brutus will be here along with "The Best Damn Band In The Land" and the OSU cheerleaders. Surprises are abound all day! So come try our new flavors such as Triple Caramel Chunk and Fossil Fuel as well as the old favorites like Cherry Garcia. Euphoria awaits and we are tickled pink to be in Upper Arlington!"

Mark your calendars now and don't forget!!

posted by Deanna 2:40 PM
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here's some cool stuff